Monday, 1 April 2024

The Grimm

Currently, my main superhero gaming is set in the classic the Bronze Age of comics. My latest adventures involve a struggle against DNA and his Rebirth League. The first episode of this mini-series can be found here. However, the longer plans is to develop a Golden Age team in a Weird World War II setting. The first character to add to the Axis rosta is the Grimm. Here is his origins, a picture and his stats cards for Super Mission Force (SMF).

Super Mission Force Front Cover

The Order of the Black Sun. 

Like most of my narrative backgrounds it has it origins in reality. In this case of ‘The Order’, story has a tenuous link to Himmler’s fascination with the occult and the research unit he established at Castle Wewelsburg. Therefore, in this alternative reality the north tower of the castle became the headquarters of the Order.

The Grimm

The Grimm

Grimm, was once a mortal man named Johann Krieger, a brilliant scientist in Bismark’s Germany. A brilliant scientist he studied the power generated between the planes of existence. Krieger was particularly interested in capturing the essence at the time of death. However, his experimentation went awry, and he became trapped between the realms of the living and the dead. Over time, the boundaries between life and death eroded, corrupting The Grimm's essence. His malevolent nature deepened as he existed in this liminal space, with the ethereal energy feeding his dark powers. The once-human side of Johann Krieger faded, replaced by a vengeful spirit.
As a half-man, half-ghost entity, Krieger gained spectral abilities and a sinister appearance. In an attempt to reverse his living death, he offered his services to the Kaiser during the Great War, but he would come into his own with the rise of the Nazi party, whose malevolent ideology gave the Grimm purpose. The Grimm joined Himmler’s occult experiments at Wewelsburg Castle, where he became a founding member of the Order of the Black Sun, known and feared by allies and friends as the Order.

I find it challenging to learn all the power effects - hence the card.

Grimm Card

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