Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Workbench 2025

Well, it is time for my self-indulgent post, where I quickly review my activities this year and look forward to the forthcoming year with its usual bucket full of projects.

Workbench Graphiv

2024 Review

Overall, I have been much better at getting games to the table this year, playing fourteen games. This meant more blog activity, which has started to attract a form of following. As usual, I became distracted by some new rules and periods. Midgard, Rangers of the Shadow Deep and the Dystopian Wars are the most notable. Whilst I try to stop myself from launching into new rules and projects, I just cannot help myself. A common affliction for most wargamers and something I will have to live with and the storage problem this involves. 

I have also been ruthless in trying to reduce my games; this includes Saga, Dystopian Wars, and Spaceship Gothic. These are not bad games, but they are the ones that appealed to me the least. A gull that I hope will become part of my gaming. 

Looking Ahead

In 2025, the idea is to concentrate on 4 projects.

  1. Pulp Alley and the Adventures of the Leopard. My Tomb of the Serpent campaign ended in December, and the Mace Institute will take a break for a while. The next campaign will follow the adventurers of the Royalist spy, the Leopard. The events will follow on from my test game, the Wayward Messenger
Leopard takes on All

The Leopard takes on Parliament’s troopers in the ruins of Wythboune Abbey.
  1. Midgard. These rules came out late in 2024, but I had played them at Britcon and liked their versatility, so after playing a few test games, I will put some campaigns together as part of James's campaign test environment. At the top of the list are Mystic Britain (Arthur versus some Dwarf invaders) and the Great Army of the 870s. Later development will be in my Shadow Wars setting, the Anarchy 1138-53, and when gods clash before the walls of Troy. However, these are painting projects for 2025.
  2. Super Mission Force. My superhero campaign against the master of the gene, DNA, will end early next year. This will be replaced by a superhero adventure in a Stempunk London of the 1880s. This is an attempt to get some use of figures that have been set on the self for a couple of years. An objective that pervades my Leopard and Midgard projects as well. 
  3. Simulations. These are epic historical clashes played on the tabletop. The following are planned for next year.
    1. Mark Backhouse has produced and supplemented his Strength & Honour rules, which handle ancient warfare between Alexander and Hannibal. I have had some old 6mm miniatures for some time, so I will rebase and redeploy them. The Battle of Pynda is the first on the list.

The Macedonian Phalanx prepares to receive the advancing Roman Legions.
    1. I will continue to work through the War of the Roses battle with a refight of Tewksbury.
    2. My Peninsula battles project moves slowly forward, and Vimeiro is the first conflict to be played.
    3. I am planning a semi-historical rematch of the Lucknow campaign during the Indian Mutiny. Here, the Sharp Practice rules will be used to fight the engagements. Therefore, I am not looking at big battles but large skirmishes and trying to capture the strategic and tactical decisions.

Ad Hoc Adventures

Kiss Me Hardy, one of my favourite games, will take a break this year. I am awaiting the second edition, and in the meantime, I have decided to use a 1:700 scale, so there is a bit of modelling to do. Several single or small squadron actions will be attempted as the new fleet grows.
Rangers of the Shadowdeep, with its low cost and quick setup time, will be one of the main short games for 2025 as I continue with the adventures of Thalia Songweaver. In addition, a new fantasy city game, Traitors of Troll Gate, is due for release, which will serve a similar purpose. 

Big Projects.

Crusader battle is my attempt to adapt Strength & Honour to the first century of the crusading enterprise using some old 6mm figures. The other big project is researching the Italian Wars from 1494-1559. This is mainly a research project for 2025, but the ultimate aim is to refight some of these battles with some old 6mm I inherited from somewhere.

The Blog.

This blog has mainly focused on battle reports, which will remain because I like to write a narrative about my wargame adventures. However, I want to add more depth by reporting on my various projects in development and some of the campaign mechanisms I plan to use. In addition, I hope to do a few more rules reviews and, if I can get the download function to work, offer some download scenarios, etc.

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Pulp Alley & The Leopard

I recently finished my Tomb of the Serpent campaign. My next project is the Spectacular Adventures of the Leopard, a swashbuckling skirmish ...