Tuesday 14 May 2024

Caper at the Oasis

Archie’s teeth chattered, not from cold but from the bumpy desert track. Their convoy had left Alexandria four days prior, navigating the western deserts on the so-called desert highway.

In the lead, Slade Horton's jeep carried the girls and Sir Francis. Beside Archie, Thwaites struggled with the truck’s wheel, cursing as he negotiated the vanishing track. Suddenly, Horton halted the jeep and announced, ‘It's on foot from here, folks. Grab what gear you can. Professor Remi’s camp lies beyond those dunes. He may guide us through this wasteland.’
New Age Comic Issue 4

Mace Institute Cast

Professor Remi's Camp

Thankfully, according to the Archaeological Society in Cairo, the professor's camp was nearby. Professor Remi’s party had set out months ago to trace an ancient Egyptian sacred way leading across the Western Desert to the Nile. Their last known position was at the ominously named Serpent’s Shade Oasis, now visible with its bright blue waters.

Approaching the camp, the group sensed trouble. The air turned dense and sickly. Daphne doubled up, vomiting and collapsing. Sir Francis rushed to her aid while the rest cautiously advanced. Equipment scattered around the seemingly abandoned camp hinted at violence.

Tribesmen, Cultist and a Nasty Priest

Horton signalled the team to spread out. As they did, tribesmen approached, prompting them to regroup. Despite Horton's warnings, Alfie charged, sparking a violent clash with some tribesmen. Muscular men wielding scimitars joined the fray, injuring Thwaites and forcing everyone to fight for their lives.

As the battle raged, a serpent priest emerged, casting curses and launching attacks. Despite their desperate struggle, the heroes found themselves overwhelmed. Daphne and Alfie were targeted by the priest's dark magic but overcame his evil spell. 

The Hawk’s Cry

With casualties mounting, a sandstorm loomed on the horizon, freezing the assailants in hesitation. Seizing the opportunity, Daphne escaped, the priest’s clawed hand, as the storm engulfed the camp, its roar reminiscent of a hawk's call echoing in the chaos. 

Desperate Measures - Our Heroes fight for their lives.


After the storm passed, Sir Francis discovered Majid, Professor Remi’s foreman, unconscious. Majid recounted an attack by a half-serpent, half-man creature; he did not know the fate of Professor Remi and his brothers. Seeking revenge and his missing brothers, Majid joined the party on their journey.


The story starts here if you want to recap the group adventures in this campaign.

Only two more games to play in this mini-campaign, although that depends on the journey across the desert. This is the first game where our heroes would have lost if the game continued for a few turns. Thank you, the fortune (solo) version, for this lucky escape.

One of the fun things about the campaign is how the characters develop. The two junior members of the party, Daphne and Archie, have started to become more 3 dimensional. During this campaign, Archie nearly dies, is stung by a scorpion, and, in this last adventure with Daphne, becomes the story's hero when they hold the Serpent Priest at bay.

I am already working on the next adventure, based on an old game, for Department E6 of the Mace Institute. Also, a more mature Daphne and Archie are planned to appear in my Weird World War II adventure.

Overall, it was great fun. In my mind, that's what wargaming should be about a good narrative storyline that holds the games together and characters that come alive and are fun to play.

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