Monday, 22 July 2024

The Assault on Terrasanta

This is the third part of my superhero campaign. In the first episode, our heroes managed to secure some of Dr Nichlos Armagus's (DNA) via a mutation formula. However, at Mission Trail Park, the same heroes failed to stop DNA from exploding his mutation bomb, although they managed to contain its spread near the National Park. Yet his small victory came at a cost, with Star Phantom, the most potent member of Aegis, severely injured. As Star Phantom lies in the Citadel, the rest of the team moves on to the township of Terrasanta, where DNA has erected some booster emitters.

Blue Flame

In 1982, a meteorite crashed in the Deadlands and was taken to NASA’s California research station, where scientists bombarded the rock with numerous tests. Surprisingly, they found the meteorite hollow, containing a humanoid body in the foetal position. The find was immediately moved to the Mace Institute Department for Aliens and Superbeings. Under their auspices, a young, very blue woman was released from her cocoon. However, the young woman burst into flames after being exposed to Earth's atmosphere. Whilst she suffered no injury, she did manage to burn down a large part of the Mace facility.
Even Star Phantom, with all the knowledge of the Star Corps, could not identify this mysterious woman’s origin, but his database identified the basic syntax of her speech. Over time, Blue Flame, as she was named, adapted to her new environment. She quickly learned dozens of human languages and managed to control her flame form. However, she was still considered too different and dangerous to enter normal society. Confined to the Aegis complex, she began to mingle with the Supers and formed a friendship with Sunwing. Now, two years after her arrival, she officially joins the team and heads to stop DNA's hideous plans.

The Liberation of Terrasanta

Aegis’ team of superheroes approach town at speed, hoping to surprise DNA’s minions. Sunwing was the first to arrive in downtown Terrasanta in partnership with Blue Flame. As they flew above the cityscape, they spotted one of the DNA emitters on top of an apartment roof and landed on the roof to deactivate the die device. Whilst Sunwing struggled, Blue Flame alien intelligence quickly deactivated the device.

A Lethal Team

However, before celebrating their victory, they were hit by blasts that knocked both heroes backwards. The first was one of Deadshot’s explosive arrows that did minor damage. Emmulator’s deadly red energy that pushed out two rooftop heroine damage.

Blue Flame returned the compliment. Unaware of Blue Flames’ powers, Emulator was taken by surprise and thrown backwards into the trees of the nearby park. She fell badly and would take no further part in this skirmish. Sunwing joined the attack. Dropping quickly, she let off her sun blasts at Deadshot, who stumbled but managed to steady himself. Unfortunately for him, before he could reload one of his deadly arrows, Blue Flame hit him with a burst of energy, which he managed to miss by throwing himself behind the water tank. However, this was a short reprieve for the archer, who suffered another combined attack from Sunwing and Blue Flame that sent him flying from the roof. He was out for the count, and the girls became a lethal team.
Blue Frame and Sunning

Parking Lot Rukus

Meanwhile, Primo crossed the parking lot and reached the second emitter, only to be met by Mayhem and a horde of DNA’s mutated experiments. Picking up a nearby camper van, Primor swung the vehicle at the advancing group, sending several mutants across the road. The fight ended in an attritional struggle between Mayhem and Primor, and the old rivalry resurfaced.

End Game

After Blue Flame had deactivated the device being protected by Deadshot, our flying heroines took off to aid Primor, who had already gained the assistance of Knight Eagle. The odds were now looking bad for Mayhem, who decided, with the remaining mutants, to make a run for it. Quickly, the last of DNA’s devices had been neutralised. 

The Aftermath

Now that the emitters had been neutralised, the National Guard could enter the area and clean up while Mace scientists started inoculating the local population. Unfortunately, both Emulator and Deadshot, despite their injuries, managed to escape, although the former will be nursing injuries in the next comic.  While events had taken a turn for the worse for our villains, things were looking good for team Aegis. Their reputation had been restored, and Star Phantom had fully recovered and was ready to lead the team again. But, DNA headquarters still alluded them.

Campaigning and Narrative

One of the beauties of linking a series of 'battles together to form the basis of the campaign is the characters become more 3 3-dimensional. Sunwing and Blue Flame have formed a bond of friendship and proved that they are an effective team. Blue Flame alien intelligence will have to be developed. Conversely, Mayhem becomes Primor’s archnemesis, and Emulator shares a similar hatred for Sunwing. Last, the introduction of the Mace Insitute links my super games with my pulp gaming set in the 30s.  Therefore, I am considering developing the Mace Institute’s role in my storylines, building on my hero's backstories.

Pulp Alley & The Leopard

I recently finished my Tomb of the Serpent campaign. My next project is the Spectacular Adventures of the Leopard, a swashbuckling skirmish ...