The Purity Crusades
This battle report is the last part of my three campaigns that will be fought in the world of Telemar. The idea is that sometime in the future, the three strands will join to reveal the true villain behind these conflicts.
The Shadow Wars;
The Ancestor War.
The Conclave of Caelthyr
Aenarion II, ‘The Pious’, Lord of the Hidden Light, High King of the Five Realms, 1087, summoned the Elven High Lords to a conclave at Caelthyr. Aenarion stood before the great and good of Elven Kin and preached a crusade against the Unbelievers. His speech would change the isolationist strategy the Elves had adopted for two centuries and launch a series of holy wars.
Kin and the Kindred.
Aenarion II’s first was the hated Kindred or Umbrians, a tribe of Elves that had broken away from the Hidden Light to walk a much darker path. The rivalries between the Kin and the Kindred had lasted centuries since the Wars of Division when the Elven path to enlightenment separated. Ever since those ancient days, both sides had raided the other land in search of plunder and as a coming-of-age ritual for the younger Elves. Therefore, it was easy to use one of these events for Aenarion to claim the moral high ground to launch a significant retaliatory ‘raid’ against the Kindred.
The First March of 1088
In late spring the following year, Aenarion’s army marched towards the river Nidmar, the boundary between the ‘lands of the sun and shadow’. However, despite the speed of Aenarion’s advance, the Kindred’s Triumvirate despatched one of its number, Mor ‘a Gul, the Lord of Beasts, to intercept the High Elves' advance. The two armies met where the Old Way crossed the river Nidmar, close to the now-ruined watchtower, Nidbodmar.
The Battlefield
The river Nidbod runs east to west across the battlefield and is spanned by a substantial stone bridge. Close to the bridge is an old watchtower, which is now in ruin and not ideally situated to guard the bridge; the river must have changed its course since the tower was last used. The Nidbod is fordable to the east and west but not within 18 inches of the bridge. Low hills feature on either side of the river, and small woods dot the landscape, incredibly close to the Old Road that runs north to south across the battlefield.
The Strategies
Aenarion concentrated his attack on the bridge, utilising his spearman supported by the deadly elf archer regiments. Enior, the mage, would also support this attack. The fords further up and down the Nidmar course created a problem because they would allow a possible outflanking movement. To counter this, Aenarion stationed smaller commands on the low hills, with orders to defend and protect his flanks. If they thought the attack was blunted, the commanders could counterattack to draw the Kindred away from the centre.
Mor a’ Gul decided to attack the right to turn the High Elf’s left. The centre, Mor a’ Gul, deployed sufficient forces to contest the bridge without committing too many resources. The aim was to buy time to allow him to defeat the enemy's right flank. On his left, he placed a small command composed of Dark Reavers and Saurian Riders. Their instructions were to make a nuisance of themselves, but if they hit strong resistance, to fall back across the river and defend.
The Armies Advance
Both armies were noted for their speed, but the striking opening moment was the Kindred’s War Hydra that rushed to devour Elven flesh. The Great Eagles seeing a creature that for them sickened the laws of nature, flew to intercept. However, the Nargutun knights intercept the eagle’s flight, and their long-necked lizard mounts make short work of the feathered host.
In the centre, things were going better for the High Elves. Here the elf spearman forced a passage across the bridge, despite coming under heavy fire from the Kindred’s crossbowman. Trying to protect the Kindred lives, the crossbowman withdrew, and the Slave Legion charged home. However, these enforced troops were no match for the Elf spearmen and were brutally dispatched.
In the meanwhile, on the flanks, the skirmishing continued. Both commanders had orders to probe the High Elf’s left flank, and a series of ongoing skirmishes broke out. However, on the other flank, the Nafgutun knights defeated the High Elf knights, and Aenarion’s left battle slowly had to disintegrate.

The Unstoppable Elf Phalanx
In the centre, Aenarion phalanx of spears continued to push up to the road. Combined with their inherent strength and fantastic dice rolls, they destroyed all comers. The road was soon clear of the kindred. However, the High Elf’s flanks continued to collapse as the superior Kindred number took its toll. On the right, the hastily recruited crusader elves and their knightly support routed. On High Elf's left flank, Mor ‘a Ghul was now only kept at bay by a thin line of elf archers supported by the light cavalry. The total collapse was a matter of time (one or two rounds). Aenarion started to withdraw. Mor ‘ Ghul suffered heavy losses and decided he could not threaten Aenarion’s retreat.

Overall the battle was a draw, although either side at one point could have achieved an outright victory. However, Mor ‘a Ghul held the battlefield and gained his triumph. Aenarion’s first battle of his Purity Crusade was not the success he wanted, but neither was it a disaster. Several frontier towers had been regarrisoned, including Nidbodmar. He now knew he needed the power of his regular forces rather than relying on some over-enthusiastic ‘crusading’ volunteers.